Delivering Total Value. Backed by Strategic Research & Data Driven Insights

A Business Scaling & Creative Consultancy

Welcome to BrandProfit

Build, Systemize, Scale, and Sustain.

At BrandProfit, we believe in the power of vision. Led by Robert Kibo Thompson, our Founder and Chief of Innovation and Transformation, we've spent over three decades helping businesses turn their dreams into tangible success stories. Our comprehensive approach focuses on four key pillars: Build, Systemize, Scale, and Sustain.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Brand Building

Business Systemization

Strategic Scaling

Sustainable Success

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Dedicated to Creating the "Next Level" in-house


At BrandProfit, we're more than just a consultancy—we're a team of dedicated professionals committed to your success. Led by Robert Kibo Thompson, our Founder and Chief of Innovation and Transformation, our diverse team brings together decades of experience and expertise in branding, business development, and strategic planning.

Transforming Businesses, One Pillar at a Time

At BrandProfit, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to help businesses thrive in today's competitive landscape. From brand building to strategic scaling, our expert team provides the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals and unlock new opportunities for growth.


At BrandProfit, we're equipped with a diverse set of capabilities, further enabled by strategic partnerships within our ecosystem and backed by unparalleled industry know-how. Let us guide your business towards its fullest potential, helping it evolve into the ultimate version of itself.


Food & Lifestyle

Elevate your brand in the food and lifestyle industry with strategic branding and marketing solutions that resonate with your target audience.

Health & Wellness

Position your business for success in the health and wellness sector with tailored branding and growth strategies that inspire trust and loyalty.

Energy & Technology

Stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving energy and technology landscape with innovative solutions and strategic guidance from our team.

Fintech & Finance

Navigate the complexities of the fintech and finance industry with expert advice and customized solutions that drive growth and profitability.

Trade & Economic Development

Drive economic growth and development with strategic branding and business development initiatives tailored to the trade and economic sector.

Environment & Life Sustainability

Lead the way in sustainability and environmental stewardship with innovative solutions and strategic partnerships that promote life sustainability.


Projects Completed


Brands Impacted


Markets Accessed


Clients Enabled



We empower governments with expert guidance to navigate complex trade landscapes, formulate effective strategies, and optimize market opportunities for sustainable growth.

Marketing Experiences Services

We empower governments to make decisive choices, equipping them for success in global markets and facilitating the expansion of their market presence.

Capacity Building Services

Enhance your nation’s global competitiveness. Our strategic planning leverages creative optimization of local production for export, fostering economic growth and resilience.

Every day, we innovate and add value for everyone we serve, worldwide.

Shaping Tomorrow, Together, Today.

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